Music Magazine AS
- Produced a preliminary college magazine (FrontCover and Contents Page) using basic skills to practice using photoshop and using conventions of magazines
- Researched other magazines (some music some not) to look at styles that appealled to me
- Planned my cover, contents and dps through sketching and draft attempts
- Designed the final product through taking my own photos, writing my own article and putting it all together as a document on photoshop.
- Evaluated it throught answering 7 evaluation questions looking at different aspects of the magazine.
Music Video A2
- Produced a preliminary video of the first 1:13 of Busted 'What I Go To School For'. Used the practiced conventions such as planning each individual shot using storyboards
- Looked at other video some of real artists and some of past students for research
- Planned each shot individually to create a storyboard of which to film the shots from.
- Complied the individual videos using final cut pro to cut them together and add the backing music
- Evaluated through answering 4 evaluation questions looking at different features of the video and the feedback recieved regarding it.
George this is a clear explanation of your practical work (high level 2). You should aim to evaluate more in terms of the skills you displayed. Also try to weave in more media terms.