Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Theoretical Evaluation of Production

Evaluate the ways that you have used/challanged simplistic representations in one of the media products you have produced.

Represenatation refers to the constructing reality, it is suppose to contain versimilitued and simplfy people's understanding of life. The term refers to the process involved in relation to the key markers of identity.

Monday, 22 April 2013

The audience of my music video is not quite so clear. I would say it includes young people from the ages of 14-25 since this would be the age group that could relate to the stylings through clothing style and natural looks, and also the roles of the actors which could be from how they are all solidly within this age boundary since the band memebers are prodominatly 17 in real life. I dont think the song holds any gender bias but with all the memebers being male others males may find this easier to relate to.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Media Language - Music Video

For the music video I used a variety of shots that replicated exsiting music videos whilst implementing my own ideas. An example of this is the use of close ups whilst the band was perorming to show that the singer was lip syncing the words to make it look as if they were actually performing which matched the conventions of a  real band. This also added to the emotions displayed by the members whcih added to the situation and dialogue. Another example of camera work was the use of a variety of mid shots. I did this to include all of the band in the different shots to help show the band as a group of firends that got on well together and did things as a band.